Alongside the exceptional articles and resources that you will find on this website you can also access even more resources and support through RE Today Services and the National Association of Teachers of RE (NATRE).
RE Today Services produces supplementary eResources which support the magazine articles within this site, to provide a deeper knowledge and understanding of RE amongst you and your pupils. Over 2000 eResources are exclusively available to NATRE members who also receive a physical copy of the termly magazine, termly curriculum books, CPD discounts, monthly eNewsletter, publications discounts and much more…
Here are some examples of the supplementary eResources that you can have access to if you join NATRE:
REtoday Autumn 2017
Article: The angel’s message (pp. 16–17)
Supplementary eResource: The angel’s message PowerPoint
As well as supplementary resources for REtoday, you can also have resources that suport REtoday curriculum books:
Primary Curriculum book
Unit: How do Christians decide how to live? from RE Today’s book Inspiring RE: Christians
Supplementary eResource: How do Christitan’s decide to live PowerPoint
Secondary Curriculum book
Unit: Essential text: the Humanist Manifesto – from RE Today’s book Examining RE: Atheists
Supplementray eResource: A Humanist Manifesto PowerPoint
See how NATRE members access supplementary eResources
Want to join NATRE?
Visit the NATRE website to take a look at all the other benefits and support you can get.