For the classroom
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Spotlight on the ‘ways of knowing’

Many RE teachers and leaders have thought hard about how to design and implement an effective RE curriculum, and there are lots of strong examples of what this might look like in practice across the country.

For the classroom
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Creating a religion and worldviews curriculum

Jen Jenkins is RE & Spirituality Officer for Coventry Diocesan Board of Education, as well as RE Facilitator for Coventry & Warwickshire, working on behalf of the two local SACREs. As well as leading one of...

Theory and practice
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Fay Lowe is a PhD student at the University of Glasgow, and a Head of RE at a secondary school in Rochdale.

Theory and practice
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For the classroom 13-19
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Exploring religious and social belonging through food with Paul Slater and Dr. Hephzibah Israel

For the classroom 7-11
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Ceris Sauro is a PPA teacher and Humanities Lead at Pontyberem Primary School in Carmarthenshire.

For the classroom 5-18
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Decolonising the curriculum, decolonising RE 

Louisa Jane Smith is host of The RE Podcast, a teacher of RE with 21 years’ experience, a head of PSHE, a mother and a ‘film geek!’ Here she shares her practical and sometimes challenging reflections on...

Theory and practice
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A NATRE curriculum symposium 

Secondary teacher and former Chair of NATRE Ben Woodgives us a two-part ‘behind the scenes’ view of the NATRE Curriculum Symposium that took place in Birmingham in November 2021. In the first part, he explains the...

Professional REflection
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Special Issue: the NATRE Curriculum Symposium 

Secondary teacher and former Chair of NATRE Ben Wood gives us a two-part ‘behind the scenes’ view of the NATRE Curriculum Symposium that took place in Birmingham in November 2021. In the first part, he explains...

For the classroom 4-11
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Turning a vision for RE into Reality

Matthew Lane describes the impact of his whole-school approach to better RE: subject leaders in primary schools will find much to ponder here.

Theory and practice
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A pedagogy of belonging for RE

In this reflective piece David Aldridge poses some very interesting questions and possibilities regarding what really counts as teachers’ subject knowledge within the context of understanding something about the...