Professional REflection
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Making RE deep and meaningful? After Ofsted

Two very important curriculum documents for religious educators have been published since our last edition: Deep and Meaningful? The Religious Education Subject Report published by Ofsted (2024), and the Religious...

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KATIE FREEMAN writes from the NATRE Chair

As I sit and write this term’s column, I can hear our Year 6 getting ready for their leavers production. It is funny to think that as you read this we will once again be starting a new academic term with new...

For the classroom
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Five top tips for exploring the theme of light 

As the days grow shorter and darker throughout the Autumn term, exploring the theme of light has particular resonance, and can aid in understanding complex ideas across a range of religions and worldviews. Here are...

For the classroom 11-18
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The contemplative classroom: using contemplative pedagogy to enhance RE

RE is a subject centred upon asking big questions. Does God exist? Is there a meaning to life? What happens after we die? Why do we suffer? To study religions is to engage in deep thought and rigorous internal...

For the classroom 14-19
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Worldviews and jury duty

Neil Duncalf has been the RE Lead at a SEN School in Cheshire for the last 12 years. He is a member of the local SACRE and leads a local RE Hub.

For the classroom 7-19
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Organising ideas in RE: how task design helps learners to know more and remember more

Over the past two years, my colleagues and I have worked incredibly hard to overhaul our school’s wider curriculum with a focus on ensuring pupils know more and remember more. It has been a tough but rewarding...

For the classroom
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Education and religion through the window

This article is taken from a longer talk I did at the launch of WRERU: The World Religions and Education Research Unit at Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln (@WRERU-Lincoln on YouTube). I want to start by saying...

For the classroom 5-7
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Luminous calligraphy in the infants

How can 5- and 6-year-olds explore the symbolism of light for themselves?

For the classroom 4-19
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Giving it all you’ve got: the story of Solarity, a resource for out-of-school-hours philosophy and religion clubs

‘You must see our lunchtime Bible club’,
said the head teacher.

Intrigued, as I had never seen a lunchtime Bible club in action in all my years as an RE Adviser, I headed off to a temporary cabin just...

For the classroom
Sofiia, age 10, Holy Carpathians

Feeling our way through the half-light: reflections from the classroom

We all seek the light, although that may mean different things to different people; we may hope for a closer relationship with God, a stronger sense of community or a path to a brighter future. ‘Illuminating RE’...

For the classroom
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Clarity and curriculum 

Stuart Allen argues in favour of the specificity of the Catholic RE curriculum, which contrasts sharply with the non-prescriptive model offered by the Curriculum for Wales.

For the classroom
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Spotlight on the ‘ways of knowing’

Many RE teachers and leaders have thought hard about how to design and implement an effective RE curriculum, and there are lots of strong examples of what this might look like in practice across the country.

For the classroom
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Creating a religion and worldviews curriculum

Jen Jenkins is RE & Spirituality Officer for Coventry Diocesan Board of Education, as well as RE Facilitator for Coventry & Warwickshire, working on behalf of the two local SACREs. As well as leading one of...

For the classroom
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‘ Do we stick it in our books?’ 

Katherine Wedell is a freelance writer and illustrator of Religion and Worldviews resources and a SEND advocate. She lives in Sheffield.

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Darker days, brighter RE

As the autumn leaves fall and days grow darker, the new academic year brings a sense of renewal and opportunity – a chance to ignite and re-ignite curiosity in the minds and imaginations of the children and young...

For the classroom 11-18
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Playlist for RE the community

After teaching RE and PSHE in the UK for 20 years, Ruth Marx now lives in France and is an RE and PSHE consultant and author currently writing curriculum with United Learning and the Ann Taves Barnet Syllabus project....

For the classroom 14-16
Pupil work from referral unit This article is for paying subscribers

GCSE RS for all…

Having worked in a mainstream for 20 years, I am fully aware that delivering ‘compulsory’ RE Key Stage 4 can be a challenge. It is true, however, that delivering compulsory RE to Key Stage 4 in a pupil referral...

For the classroom 11-19
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I love RE lessons

Rachel Cole teaches in a school for secondary-aged students with moderate learning difficulties. She previously taught in mainstream primary schools and in a mainstream through school (4–16). She leads and teaches...

For the classroom 3-7
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I would gift baby Jesus a baby dragon, and other insights from Early Years/Key Stage 1

As educators we strive to do our best for ‘our’ children across the curriculum and throughout the school. Floor books are an effective way of doing this, by saving teacher time and providing interesting insights...

For the classroom 9-16
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As a Head of Department in a large secondary school, transition is something that has always vexed  me. To give some context, my school is in a multi-academy trust (MAT), although this is still ar relatively new...