On reflection
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Knowledge, suspicion and faith 

"Earlier this year, I went to Professor Anthony Thiselton’s funeral. From 1978, he taught me about hermeneutics, philosophy and biblical study, and I was so fortunate to know a man of such genius in these...

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The current discussions about the nature of ‘worldviews’ in relation to the RE curriculum will, I suspect, continue for a long time. Indeed, it is a very interesting and encouraging conversation, suggesting that...

Theory and practice
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Thinking about substantive knowledge in two primary school contexts 

Knowledge’, ‘research’ and ‘substantive’ are just three of the many ‘Tier 3’ words on the lips of those within the RE/religion and worldviews community currently. Here, two educators, both working in the...

Theory and practice
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Promoting epistemic literacy: knowledge and the case for tackling epistemic injustice as an aim for RE 

"Jo Fraser-Pearce is Associate Professor (Teaching) at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society, University College London. Jo has ten years’ experience teaching RE in maintained secondary schools in and around...

Theory and practice
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What do we really mean by ‘personal knowledge’?

As teachers and researchers, we have explored the development of a religion and worldviews approach in theory and in practice. Here we bring together our shared reflections on the idea of ‘personal knowledge’ and...

Theory and practice
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What next for RE? Some thoughts from After Religious Education

"Is RE really so terrible? A ‘tepid version of cultural studies where religion is transformed into a calendar of funny festivals, lighting candles and distinctive headgear … [taught by] teachers from other...

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Knowledge in RE

Welcome to the start of a new academic year and with it our second special issue of ProfessionalREflection, this time focusing on the topical issue of knowledge in RE. As before, this issue is special in having been...

Instant RE
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Top Ten Tips for introducing diversity and the messiness of worldviews into the primary classroom

"Understanding your own interpretation of worldviews is an essential starting point. This can be done through reading. We have found the Culham St Gabriel’s Trust’s short courses a good starting point, both the...

Instant RE
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The Buddha bauble for your Christmas tree. What next? 

Lat Blaylock shares some ideas about kitsch RE, messy inter-religious artefacts and the flux and flow of beliefs in our contemporary world and RE classrooms.

For the classroom 11-14
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Digging deep and untangling text: teaching Genesis 1 to Year 7

In the summer of 2022 I read The Bible With and Without Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi Brettler (HarperOne 2020), which inspired me to re-vamp our unit on Genesis and the environment for our Year 7 spring term....

For the classroom 5-18
Nishikawa Sukenobu, The God Izanagi and Goddess Izanami, 18th century: a scene from Shinto’s main cosmogony. This article is for paying subscribers

The colourful complexity of Paganism in the RE classroom

Ethan Doyle White, author of Pagans: The Visual Culture of Pagan Myths, Legends and Rituals, offers positive and practical insight to teachers around the inclusion of Paganism in RE.

For the classroom 4-7
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‘What are stories of creation?’ How I used a NATRE resource to introduce younger learners to diverse perspectives 

Last year I attended the Excellent RE course run by Adam Robertson in which we began to look at multidisciplinary RE. In the sessions, we looked at different ways of knowing and how they might be explored with pupils....

For the classroom 5-18
Someone trying to figure their way through a maze of a brain. This article is for paying subscribers

6 Tips for making the most of philosophical discussion in RE 

Following on from Peter Vardy’s insightful reflections on the benefits to children of engaging with philosophy, Angela Hill offers some practical tips to teachers wanting to make discussion in RE more...

For the classroom 11-18
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Sharing space goes to the movies: new dialogic possibilities at a ‘race and education’ film club 

Rachael Jackson-Royal, who teaches in Birmingham, and Janet Orchard of the University of Bristol wanted to find new ways to explore issues about race and equalities for both researchers and teachers of RE. Here is...

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Possibilities and challenges: reflections on current issues in Religion and Worldviews classrooms

In this edition we re-visit our more regular format for Professional REflection, following our special issue on the NATRE Curriculum Symposium (Autumn 2022, Vol. 40:1).

For the staffroom 16-19
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Cracking 16–19 RE 

Karen Steele, who teaches in Warwickshire, wanted to make a good offer of core RE to her 16-19s.

Instant RE
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Weddings for 4-year-olds: from Cana in Galilee to Manchester’s Moss Side

How can you truly give children the opportunity to experience how they would feel when a miracle happened? How can you take a miracle from the Bible and make it authentic for life today in the twenty-first...

For the staffroom
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How are secondary schools preparing for the implementation of the new curriculum for Wales? 

Shannon Brown from Brynteg Comprehensive School shares her work investigating how the new Welsh Religion, Values and Ethics curriculum is being implemented.

For the staffroom
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Changing my mind about RME

Micha Klos, an atheist teacher of Religious and Moral Education (RME) in Scotland, explains how her university course opened her mind to the value of religions and of teaching RME as an atheist.