The Who and The How
For many of us, a new year – more than any other time - is a time for reflection and introspection, bringing opportunities for personal and professional renewal. For teachers, the Winter break from school may have...
What view of the world is uniquely yours?
This term’s magazine explores the place of personal worldviews in RE.
Wandering, but not lost
Famously, J.R.R. Tolkien has a poem that includes the line ‘Not all those who
wander are lost.’¹ In many religions, to wander is to wonder. Pilgrims travel to
places they have imagined all their...
Religion as research, RE as research
‘Taste and see that the Lord is good’ says the Psalmist in Psalm 34. Sacred words for 3,000 years to Jewish people, Christians and (slightly differently) Muslims. That might add up to 55 per cent of the world’s...
Identities in RE
Martin Buber (1878–1965), a great Jewish philosopher of personhood, says in his book I and Thou (Touchstone 1970): ‘Inscrutably involved, we live in the currents of universal reciprocity.’ Perhaps a part of his...
Are we breaking from the past, or drawing from the past having learned important lessons along the way?
RE trainees began their RE journey across the country. It is also 50 years since I began my RE journey in Worcestershire. In fact, the current group of excellent trainees at Exeter will be the last group of either...
Visions and viruses
Words and beyond
Bill and Lat’s Excellent Adventure
Scriptures: wisdom for all?
Would you like to be a glory, a jest or a riddle?
Religion: all in the mind?
Take a stand. Defend RE. Defend religion and belief
Research and pedagogy in RE
Have we seen the best of religion?
Matthew Arnold (1822–88), poet, headmaster of Rugby and essayist, gave this idea to the educational world. Perhaps his best-known book is Culture and Anarchy (1869), in which he argues for the role of reading ‘the...
Telling stories
In this edition we are thinking about ‘stories’: the stories we tell children, the stories we tell ourselves and the stories that challenge and inspire us.