For many of us, a new year – more than any other time - is a time for reflection and introspection, bringing opportunities for personal and professional renewal. For teachers, the Winter break from school may have been a heady mix of nostalgia and looking to the future. You may be returning to school with a fresh mindset; letting go and relinquishing what no longer works, and holding fast to that which helps you flourish. We might make (and break) resolutions, commit to one of the increasing number of January lifestyle challenges, or vow to finish that book, that DIY project or to finally re-write that scheme of learning. It’s a time where our values, beliefs and ways of living might come into sharp focus, sometimes through our preoccupations with these challenges and promises we make to ourselves. We are thinking deeply about ‘the who’ and ‘the how’. We are seeking to find who we are, who we want to be and how we can be it. So our theme ‘values and ethics’ seems well-timed. In exploring values and ethics, are we not asking the very same questions?
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