For the classroom 11-16
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Using sociological data in RE lessons

Jonny Lawson teaches RE in West Sussex. Some recent visions for RE have increasingly emphasised the subject’s need for multidisciplinary visions and ways of including work that uses sociology of religion with pupils....
For the classroom 7-14
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A neglected hero with a vision: St Paul of the Damascus Road

St Paul wrote 13 Bible books, and founded 22 churches across the Roman world in his lifetime. Was he the first Christian hero, or perhaps a kind of ultimate visionary in Christianity? Sheila Miller provides practical...
For the classroom 5-11
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Saint Teresa of Kolkata and the Beatitudes

Katie Freeman considers how the vision of Jesus from Matthew’s Gospel inspired the vision of Mother Teresa, now sainted by the Catholic Church. Could your 10-year-olds tackle this depth of learning? In the autumn term...
For the classroom 4-11
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‘Without a vision the people perish.’ How RE can transform your pupils’ understanding of a school’s mission statement

Fundamental to our vision to educate for life in all its fullness, we are inspired by the Old Testament leader Nehemiah’s example for how to build our school community where all are valued, all contribute and all...
For the classroom 4-11
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Learning Christianity with Persona Dolls

Helen Jones teaches at Oxton Saint Saviour’s School on the Wirral. She shares her learning journey with persona dolls as aids to teaching Christianity. I started using persona dolls after we introduced Understanding...
For the classroom 4-11
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Teaching Christian diversity to primary pupils: ‘life in its fullness’

Examples from St Andrew’s Church of England Primary School Ann Marie Allchurch is Headteacher at St Andrew’s CofE Primary School in Plymouth. St Andrew’s is a voluntary aided Church of England primary school that...
Events and resources 13-16
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Quaker Service: A Teacher’s Resource

This extensive resource pack is a valuable contribution, especially to commemorate the anniversary of the First World War. It comprises a resource book, 28 lesson plans, a DVD and quality resource cards. It is...

Events and resources 14-16
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Beliefs and the World they have Created

This book seeks to describe briefly many of the world’s major beliefs. The main ideologies and religions, interestingly covered, are Judaism, Christianity, Islam, polytheism, nationalism, Asian beliefs, communism,...

Events and resources
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Billed as ‘A Tree-mendous Nativity’, this is written by the same author of ‘Hey, Ewe!’ who is a freelance musician and composer.

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Swinburne’s theism

In this interview Professor Richard Swinburne defends his cumulative argument for the existence of God. We sourced some questions from A-level RS students and are so grateful to Richard for his profound engagement with...
Events and resources Adult
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The Lent Factor: Forty Companions for the Forty Days of Lenta

This book, written by the Bishop of Norwich, comprises the stories of 40 very different people, one for each of the days in Lent. The reader is invited to reflect on how faith and character are connected. Each...

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Big God and the Big Bang: a new resource for the RE classroom

A survey of over 2,000 teenagers in Church of England secondary schools found that over 50% say that science makes it hard to believe in God. The God and the Big Bang project, an initiative which runs one-day events...

For the staffroom
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Faith questions

Communication, understanding and expression: how do traditions go beyond words?We asked people from different faith traditions to talk about their experience of words, ideas and meaning. The pages that follow are their...
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The Gospel of Luke, chapter 10¾ Who is my neighbour and what do neighbours do?

The next day the Good Samaritan came down the Jericho Road again. There was another person lying in the road, who had been beaten up. The Good Samaritan picked her up, cared for her needs, took her to an inn and paid for...
Instant RE
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Showcasing RE

Here we introduce a new series of pages directed at heads, governors or senior leadership teams (SLTs). This edition has a primary focus but over time we will represent both primary and secondary phases of education....
For the classroom 11-19
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Words matter: gender, religion and RE

I think it’s fair to say that we RE teachers have some big ideas about our subject. We see ourselves as much more than purveyors of content and developers of skills; we see our subject as more than information to be...
For the classroom 5-11
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Better Christmas learning

So what to do? Five examples for better Christmas learning Mobile phone messages from the angels Christmas in school is usually a thoroughly enjoyable celebration of a festival that (nearly) the whole community loves....
For the classroom 5-11
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Hallowed or hackneyed … words to go beyond?

The annual season of Christmas carolling will soon be upon us, a time when it seems everyone, Christian or not, imbibes in a nostalgic wallow in familiar tunes and words, many of which are completely incomprehensible...
For the classroom 7-14
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Tasks and activities for pupils

Begin by teaching the class about who the Archbishop is: leader of the 80-million-strong Christian church called ‘Anglicans’ all over the world and the ‘Church of England’ here. Explain that they will find out...
For the classroom 7-14
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Archbishop Justin Welby answers children’s questions about praying

Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, visits each of the Anglican dioceses. On his recent visit to the Diocese of Leicester, 100 9- and 10-year-olds from 25 different Anglican schools joined him for a webinar,...