For the classroom
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There is strong interest in learners as researchers in RE presently, and this article sets your pupils up to do some research for themselves about Muslims and values. RE Today’s National Muslim Youth Survey (2022)...

For the classroom 9-16
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Proud to be a Muslim? 

In our British Muslim Youth Survey we inquired among more than three hundred Islamic school pupils aged 11–18. The survey was completed with the supervision of RE teachers in about twenty different schools. Some...

Yusuf cat Stevens This article is for paying subscribers

‘A dangerous race for eternal economic growth’

Cat Stevens grew from being a teen idol of the 1960s into one of the most influential singer-songwriters of his time. In addition to his vast musical achievements, his lifelong spiritual quest has added intrigue and...

For the staffroom 7-16
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REVIEW: 365 Days with the Prophet Muhammad

Nurdan Damla, illus. Osman Turhan, Goodword Books 2014, 360pp, hbk, $14 (£8.37), ISBN 978-81-7898-833-7.

For the classroom 11-16
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Using sociological data in RE lessons

Jonny Lawson teaches RE in West Sussex. Some recent visions for RE have increasingly emphasised the subject’s need for multidisciplinary visions and ways of including work that uses sociology of religion with pupils....
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Home, belonging, culture, difference:

do these words always mean the same? Suhaiymah is in her 20s. A third-generation Pakistani Muslim born in Bradford and schooled in Leeds, she studied History at Cambridge University and Postcolonial Studies at SOAS. She...
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Reviews – My way: A Muslim Woman’s Journey

Mona Siddiqui, My Way: A Muslim Woman’s Journey (I B Taurus 2015), 222pp, hardback, £20.00, ISBN 9781780769349.  This fine book, one of a large number written by this well-known British Muslim scholar and...
Instant RE
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A Muslim visitor making a difference

Staff at Selby Community Primary School wanted to deepen their pupils’ understanding of Islam, so they invited Imran to come and run some workshops there. We asked how it went.

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Research update

Moving between two educational traditions and Research in Christian education

Theory and practice
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Believing, belonging and behaving: some considerations when teaching about Islam

Even for teachers who have acquired specialised knowledge about religions, teaching about particular traditions can be daunting: I don’t think I know enough. What happens if I get things ‘wrong’? Am I up to...

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Research update

In this research update, there are two very different snapshots of work that is occurring within the field of RE. The first is a summary of the doctoral work of Matthew Vince, who has been focusing on the experiences...

Theory and practice
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Believing, belonging and behaving: some considerations when teaching about Islam

Part 2: belonging and behaving Doctor Jenny Berglund is an Associate Professor at the department of the Study of Religions, Södertörn University, Stockholm, and a Visiting Associate Professor at the Warwick Religions...
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As I read the reviews below I was reminded of the writings of philosopher Maria Lugones¹ and her use of the metaphor of ‘worldtravelling’. She describes how by travelling to the ‘worlds’ of others we can...

Instant RE
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‘Following Acts 7–10 is impossible for a Muslim living in a non-Muslim country’

The title of this article is taken from a 12-mark question at GCSE, and it raises an interesting question. We will think about answering this question to GCSE standard using the music of Canadian Muslim hip hop duo...

For the classroom 11-16
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The ‘Islam in Britain’ quiz in action:

My Year 11s were greeted with REtoday’s ‘Muslims in Britain today: a reality check’ on their first day back after the holidays. It looked like a win-win; they show off their knowledge, I gain a sense of any...

For the classroom 11-14
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The stories we tell ourselves:

three examples to address preconceptions and assumptions With increasing Islamophobia in the British and worldwide press, teachers might be inclined to readjust the balance and tell the story of ‘good Muslims’ or...
For the staffroom 14-19
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Faith in science? Faith in God?

This term’s theme is about the nature of faith and about the frontiers and borders between science and religions. We invited people from different religions and beliefs to contribute a personal perspective on the...

For the staffroom
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Improve your RE subject knowledge

We invited members of different religions to reflect on the values that their worldviews seek to promote. Over these next six pages you will find much to enlighten. As well as contributing to readers’ RE subject...
For the staffroom
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The wisdom of dialogue

An interview with Professor Dan Cohn-Sherbok, exploring the themes of his recent book. In the contemporary world of inter- religious tension and conflict, what can dialogue really achieve?DCS: Today religious conflict is...
For the staffroom
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The Qur’an is a lantern Wisdom in Islam

Rasha Imam is an RE teacher and a Muslim One idea about the purpose of education is to enable people to find wisdom in life. How do you see this?RI: It is knowledge that a tomato is a fruit but it is wisdom to know not...