Theory and practice
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For the staffroom
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A new approach to Buddhist terminology

Buddhism is a tricky religion to teach, for many reasons. One of these is the prevalence of terms and concepts that are alien to English-speaking Westerners and are often provided in multiple different spellings and...

Last word
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Charting paths for RE

Wendy Dossett is best known to teachers for leading the University of Chester’s Department of Theology and Religious Studies A-level webinar series. She has been an A-level Examiner, Secretary of the Shap Working...

For the staffroom 4-11
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Pots of Gold

BBC TEACH has a rich suite of resources for primary schools that is curated to meet the needs of teachers across the school calendar, says its Executive Producer Alex Harris.

For the staffroom
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Windows on Worldviews


Theory and practice
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We asked people questions to get them thinking about their perspectives on values and ethics. You might want to use these personal, real-life reflections in your RE lessons, or perhaps invite pupils to respond to the...

For the staffroom
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What’s worth celebrating?

We asked members of different faith and belief communities a set of questions about their own lives of celebration. Here Buddhist, Bahá’í, Christian, Sikh and Muslim respondents explain what celebration means for...

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A different look at Buddhism

Compiled by Dr Rachael Jackson-Royal, HoD of RE and a member of the NATRE Executive. She can be co tacted at:

[email protected]

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Religion and RE: yesterday and tomorrow 

RE is a subject with a past and a future, linked in all kinds of ways. Our communities press our governments across the UK to change the subject to be better suited to learning in the coming decade.

For the staffroom
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For the staffroom
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Inside a faith

This term’s theme of pilgrimage and the journey of life led us to invite people from different communities to answer a set of questions from the perspective of their religion or worldview. The same seven questions...

For the staffroom
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Researching the religions and worldviews in RE: perspectives from inside a faith/worldview

Each issue of REtoday includes a set of pages from different writers to help RE teachers understand insider views. This issue is about RE and research, and we invited responses to the questions below from...

Instant RE
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Buddhism and tolerance

Bhante Tejwant serves as a Buddhist representative on Wolverhampton SACRE. He is a contributor to the NATRE anti-racist RE resource project, and here he gives a perspective from the way of the Buddha on tolerance. Use...

For the staffroom
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Inside a faith

We asked people from inside different faiths to write an article about their identity from these eight questions. Consider your own answers to the questions – jot down some notes. Then read the examples on the next...

For the classroom 11-16
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When Greta Thunberg met Pope Francis

This activity is simple, flexible and potentially profound. A part of good RE around green issues is to consider whether religions have a part to play in climate justice and responding to the climate crisis, and to...

Theory and practice
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Sacred landscapes and philosophical gardens: RE as a response to climate change

The world is dealing with two huge crises at the moment. We have the immediate crisis caused by Covid-19 and the continuing ecological crisis caused by greenhouse gases, and we know that young people have increasingly...

For the staffroom
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Green religions? Perspectives from world faiths and viewpoints for your students

This issue of REtoday focuses on themes around green issues, environmentalism and climate justice. Our religions and worldviews are rich in exploring these issues and the relation of humanity to the natural world. We...

For the staffroom Adult
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REVIEW: Not About Being Good: A Practical Guide to Buddhist Ethics

Subhadramati, Windhorse 2013, 156pp, pbk, £10.99, ISBN 978-1-909314-01-6 Subhadramati’s book is a practical and reflective, rather than academic, guide to ethics that will enable teachers...
For the staffroom
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What’s the problem?

We asked people from different religions and from atheism to explain how they see the human condition. Are we flawed, fallen and in bits, or angelic, perfectible and glorious? Maybe both? On the next six pages you will...
Theory and practice
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A landscape of distinct practices: teaching a deeper Buddhism

How does a teacher engage with a religious tradition so that it can be presented in an engaging manner yet with accuracy and authenticity? Here, Rae Hancock talks through some of the issues that she has had to work...