Articles about beliefs
Greener religion for infants?
Fiona Moss, NATRE CEO, suggests six ways to enable green thinking in RE for 4–7s.
Where do you stand? Insider and outsider views on religion in RE
The wisdom of inclusion: Stonewall and faith
Should Muslim pupils fast during exams?
‘Ordinary theology’ in the classroom: experience and belief in secondary religious education
‘Understanding Christianity’: five hopes
Derren Brown: Is religion all in the mind?
Derren Brown is probably the UK’s most famous illusionist. He was once a Christian, but his new show seriously questions the nature of miracles, begging the question, ‘Is religion all in the mind?’
Believing, belonging and behaving: some considerations when teaching about Islam
Even for teachers who have acquired specialised knowledge about religions, teaching about particular traditions can be daunting: I don’t think I know enough. What happens if I get things ‘wrong’? Am I up to...
Wide-ranging free resources about the Salvation Army
The teaching resources from the Salvation Army are often referred to as hidden gems, and they are well worth exploring.
Primary theologian of the week: children debating the nature of God
We asked people from different religions and beliefs to tell us what it means to them to ‘sing their own song’
Here are replies from a Buddhist, a Humanist, a Christian, a Jewish person and a Muslim. Read these with your older pupils, and ask them to think of their own answers to the interview questions we used. The questions...