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RE days and Weeks

Richard Linford explores extra time for RE Have you heard the parable of the RE teacher and the pint of water? One day a primary teacher was planning his RE lessons for the term. He looked at all the fantastic quality RE...
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RE assessment after Levels

"Helen Maltby has been experimenting with 11–14 assessment, developing new assessment tools based on the Curriculum Framework from the RE Council. She created sets of ‘I can’ statements from the threefold...

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A solution to the problem of faith schools

 Jonathan Romain The Birmingham schools recently criticised by Ofsted were not faith schools, but the exposure of their failings has caused major question marks to be raised about the role of religion in education....
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Wisdom for Christians: Crucified with Christ

By Pamela Draycott One idea about the purpose of education is to enable people to find wisdom in life. How do you see this?PD: One purpose of religion is to enable people to find wisdom in life. For me, my faith has been...
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Wisdom and compassion Two wings on a bird

Wendy Ridley shares ideas from Buddhism about finding wisdom What would you like young people to learn in RE about the wisdom of Buddhism?WR: How wonderful if young people learnt in RE how we know what we know and...
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The Qur’an is a lantern Wisdom in Islam

Rasha Imam is an RE teacher and a Muslim One idea about the purpose of education is to enable people to find wisdom in life. How do you see this?RI: It is knowledge that a tomato is a fruit but it is wisdom to know not...
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The holy trinity of science? Wisdom: a Humanist view

John Catt is a Humanist and a member of Leicestershire SACRE.

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To fight or not to fight? A true story for RE from the Great War

Owen Thomas was born in 1895, so when the First World War began he was 19. Read his story with your pupils. He was orphaned when he was four years old, and grew up in a big orphanage in Bristol with hundreds of other...