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Vėlinės (the Lithuanian Day of the Dead)

Rasų Cemetery in Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital, is located in a scenic hilly place surrounded by old trees. After dark on 1 November, it becomes a sea of candlelight each year.

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MAPPING FAITH: Theologies of Migration and Community 

DR LIA DONG SHIMADA of the Susanna Wesley Foundation has edited a colourful book examining migration and faith. Mapping Faith: Theologies of Migration and Community is both a book and a dialogue.

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We can’t eat money

As the Spirited Arts Competition enters its twentieth year, we showcase a winning entry from 2023 that fits well with our theme of 'values and ethics'.

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Wondering in Uzbekistan

John Holroyd taught RE in schools in and around London for 30 years before lecturing at the London School of Philosophy and writing his book Judging Religion: A Dialogue for Our Time.

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The Golden Haggadah:

priceless pages of art from the Jewish Bible

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A Sikh festival of freedom: Bandi Chaur Divas

Religions often make a festival out of a rescue or a struggle for freedom that was won. Here is a Sikh example.

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Common humanity is what matters. Raj Singh Tattal draws his faith 

Editor: I was introduced to Raj Singh Tattal by his former RE teacher Anne Krisman, known to many readers of REtoday for her expert work in SEND RE in Redbridge. I interviewed Raj, who has generously given us...

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Calligraphy: a place of rest for the soul 

REtoday interviewed Muslim artist Ali Caligraff, who works in France, about his dynamic and intriguing Islamic art, often infused with joy and vitality

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‘Britain’s Pilgrim Places’: what can we learn in RE?

Christianity lies across the land of the UK in ancient places as well as in modern architecture. Can teachers of RE studying pilgrimage find local connections to the theme and to the ancient histories of religion in...

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THE BIG PICTURE: Research Jewish culture with your pupils from the online British Library exhibit

Hebrew Manuscripts: Journeys of the Written Word, an exhibition at the British Library, provides a fantastic way to study Judaism for primary and secondary pupils, exploring the history, culture and traditions of...

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THE BIG PICTURE: Walking to Karbala to find eternal light and the origin of all love

Saarah Bokharl and Ayaz Ali share their experiences and photographs of the Shi’ah Muslim Arbaeen pilgrimage to the city of Karbala, which since 680 CE has drawn huge numbers of pilgrims to remember the martyrdom of...

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The Torah at the British Library:

The British Library recently launched its exhibition of Hebrew manuscripts – amazing online resources go with this. Have a look: The big picture here shows the traditional silver...

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THE BIG PICTURE The future of Miami – and our own cities

Show the picture to your pupils and ask them in pairs to discuss what it might show, and what the photo-artist might be thinking about. It is a ‘made up’ photo, by Nikolay Lamm, based on the prediction that global...

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Prayer at Varanasi

Julie Grove, of the RE Today Editorial Team, provides learning ideas from the Big Picture.

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What does the Calligraphic Galleon tell us about Islam?

This image is full of significant learning about Islam. Unpack it with your students and see how many connections they can make to the syllabus they study. Provide the information points one by one, but begin by...

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THE BIG PICTURE Isaiah: Light of Redemption

Jewish microcalligraphy by Ellen Miller Braun Microcalligraphy, or micrography, is a Jewish form of art which developed around the ninth-century CE. The second of the Ten Commandments (do not worship idols in place of...
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Looking at four Sikh artefacts

This term’s visual learning idea is simple. The four artefacts in the pictures show four key aspects of Sikhism. These pictures are also available on a PowerPoint from the REtoday website (the password is always...

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The huge tower of Makkah’s newest hotel seems to dwarf the minarets of the Haram Mosque. As pilgrims approach for the night prayer, what impact might this view have upon their spiritual thinking? RE teacher Aysha...
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THE BIG PICTURE can you see Jesus in other people?

Theresa Borg works in a school with a Christian character, and describes here her use of the work of art Je Cherche Ton Visage to explore a spiritual idea from Christianity – that Jesus can be seen in others.

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Carving Jesus

Show this picture to your pupils, on the whiteboard.  Discuss some questions:  What can you see? What do you think you would see if the camera zoomed out?  Who might buy this statue?  How many hours might it...