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The Archbishop of York ‘Life is a pilgrimage to find our way home to God’

In the last issue of REtoday, we ran an interview with Stephen Cottrell, the Archbishop of York. He is a good friend to religious education, and his new book P is for Pilgrim (Hodder & Stoughton 2024) gives short...

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Shedding light on humanist values

Here, Andrew Copson talks to our Editor Angela Hill about his upcoming book What I Believe: Humanist Ideas and Philosophies to Live By (Piatkus 2024), a collection of interviews with some of humanism’s leading...

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“The problem with RE …IS THAT IT ISN’T RE!

Like many atheists I would be 100 percent in favour of RE if it restricted itself to what it says on the tin: education about religion.

P is for Pilgrim by Stephen Cottrell, the Archbishop of York This article is for paying subscribers

THE ARCHBISHOP OF YORK and his new book for young explorers

Stephen Cottrell, the Archbishop of York, has been a good friend to religious education over many years. Lat Blaylock caught up with him to talk about his new book PisforPilgrim(Hodder & Stoughton 2024), which can...

Saima reflects on her experiences at the 49th Annual Conference of the Association for Moral Education in Texas in October 2023. This article is for paying subscribers


Saima reflects on her experiences at the 49th Annual Conference of the Association for Moral Education in Texas in October 2023.

Christine McGuinness, Eshaan Akbar, Sonali Shah, Tom Rosenthal, Michaela Strachan, Spencer Matthews, Amanda Lovett in Pilgrimage: The Road Through North Wales, Photo: BBC/CTVC, © CTVC This article is for paying subscribers

North Stars

CELEBRITY PILGRIMS explore faith, spirituality and life’s big questions on their journey through North Wales

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We speak to Joyce D'Silva, Ambassador Emeritus for Compassion in World Farming and author of Animal Welfare in World Religion: Teaching and Practice

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Developing conceptual thinking, Sage advice for new teachers

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A STUDENT’S perspective

Religion: the remedy to inequality, not the source

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DATA ETHICS in the classroom and beyond

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JEROME FLYNN: on the challenging new film, Land of Ahimsa

I met Dolly whilst attending a vegan and sustainability conference in Pune just before lockdown. I was drawn to supporting her film for several reasons. India is very dear to my heart, having spent much time there...

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A film to inspire and encourage people to live by THE PRINCIPLE OF AHIMSA, striving to cause no harm to any sentient being

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Introducing: Ian Nicholson

ReToday's New Advisor

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Linda Woodhead On How to Teach ‘values’

Values are visible everywhere these days. Whether it is a school, a university, Microsoft or GB News, for example, you can easily find their values statement. When I undertook research on Generation Z (the generation...

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BBC: Meet Daisy Scalchi

We hear PRACTICAL TIPS FOR TEACHERS from the BBC’s Head of Religion and Ethics for Television

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Inspiring Change

The 2023 Templeton Prize winner, EDNA ADAN ISMAIL, and the power of education and compassion

Peter Vardy and daughters This article is for paying subscribers

The Philosophers’ Daughters 

Peter Vardy is a theologian, philosopher and author well known for his RS conferences in UK schools. He was Vice-Principal of Heythrop College, a Jesuit college in London, from 1999 to 2011. His remarkable ability to...

Lat Blaylock interviewing Hazrat Mira Masroor Aham This article is for paying subscribers

Hoping for world peace 

His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad is the Fifth Caliph of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim community. It was my honour and privilege to interview him early in 2023 at the community’s headquarters in Tilford, near...

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Can Christianity hold its own within a worldviews paradigm for RE? 

Lord Griffiths of Burry Port is a member of the House of Lords. Now retired from active ministry, he served as President of the Methodist Conference in the 1990s. He is also known for his work as a politician, author...

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Making sense of the census 

James Holt, Associate Professor of Religious Education at the University of Chester, explores the complexities behind the headlines on religion from the 2021 Census, and reflects on the implications for teachers and...