For the classroom 4-19

Dealing with diversity: practical tips for primary and secondary RE 

In 2018, the Commission on RE (CoRE) released its final report after a year-long investigation into the teaching of RE. The report made many recommendations, one of which was approaching the teaching of RE through the religion and worldviews approach. Many schools have been grappling with what this approach might look like. One of the key features of this approach is the teaching of diversity within religious and non-religious worldviews. As part of NATRE’s curriculum symposium, we talked about our curriculum design within our primary and secondary schools. It was interesting to see how we both approached the teaching of diversity within religious and non-religious worldviews in similar ways. One of the key similarities within our curriculum design was the use of stem sentences to support children in using the language of diversity within the topics that they are studying. Within this article, we will discuss our approaches and the differences that they have made to the knowledge that our children acquire within the study of RE.

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