With the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and the pomp and circumstance surrounding the accession of Charles III, questions about the role of the monarch as Defender of the Faith must surely have been raised for many people. Stephen Orchard’s review of a book that gives a clear explanation of the complex history of the Church of England is therefore very timely.
In every issue I always make an appeal for new reviewers, something that has seemed akin to dropping a message in a bottle into the ocean! It was great pleasure to receive a response at last in an email from Primary RE Co-ordinator Ian Coles offering a review of a book that has had a significant impact on his teaching. He shows how adopting a metacognitive approach that concentrates not simply on what has been learned but how it has been learned, encouraging pupils to reflect critically on their learning, has transformed his pedagogy and enhanced the learning of his pupils.
So, I drop my message in a bottle once more into the ocean, emphasising that new reviewers are welcome on these pages and that notes of guidance are available. If you have read a book that has intrigued, inspired, raised questions or simply given you enjoyment, we would love to hear from you.
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