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KATIE FREEMAN writes from the NATRE Chair

As I sit and write this term’s column, I can hear our Year 6 getting ready for their leavers production. It is funny to think that as you read this we will once again be starting a new academic term with new...

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Darker days, brighter RE

As the autumn leaves fall and days grow darker, the new academic year brings a sense of renewal and opportunity – a chance to ignite and re-ignite curiosity in the minds and imaginations of the children and young...

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Developing as professionals

Janet Orchard and Linda Whitworth
Associate Editors

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The map and the territory

Welcome to REtoday Summer edition 2024

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We are writing this editorial piece in September after conference season during the summer months. You will be reading our words (with luck) in January 2024 as many RE teachers limber up for the ‘Strictly RE’...

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Knowledge in RE

Welcome to the start of a new academic year and with it our second special issue of ProfessionalREflection, this time focusing on the topical issue of knowledge in RE. As before, this issue is special in having been...

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The wonderful web 

It is with excitement, humility, and, if I’m honest, a little trepidation, that I introduce myself as the new Editor of REtoday and present to you this inaugural issue. My heartfelt thanks and gratitude go to the...

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Developing teacher voice

We are writing this editorial having enjoyed attending two recent RE/RW teacher conferences, RExChange and Strictly RE. Moving online is an interesting shift for knowledge exchange and teaching. We miss the...

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Possibilities and challenges: reflections on current issues in Religion and Worldviews classrooms

In this edition we re-visit our more regular format for Professional REflection, following our special issue on the NATRE Curriculum Symposium (Autumn 2022, Vol. 40:1).

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Religion and RE: yesterday and tomorrow 

RE is a subject with a past and a future, linked in all kinds of ways. Our communities press our governments across the UK to change the subject to be better suited to learning in the coming decade.

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Developing pupils’ thinking through ideas, dialogue and hospitable pedagogy 

Welcome to our second Professional REflection publication as editors! This time we have brought together a whole range of voices from different parts of the Religion and Worldviews Education (R(W)E) world. Some of...

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Ambitious and challenging ideas for RE’s future

It is with excitement, pleasure and some trepidation that we embark as the new Editors for Professional REflection, journal of the National Association of Teachers of RE (NATRE). We are committed to the long and...

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Time to be going

‘A generation goes, a generation comes, yet the earth stands firm for ever’

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Religion and Worldviews: discipline or disciplines?

In writing about identities in his editorial to Spring’s edition of REtoday (Volume 38, Number 2, p. 3) Lat Blaylock says, ‘The question “Who am I?” doesn’t seem adequate to me – we are forever changing,...

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Religion and Justice: complicity, solidarity, liberation?

In April 1963 Martin Luther King wrote a ‘letter from Birmingham Jail’ that has become a landmark statement against racism in the USA and globally. Here we are, six decades later, still needing to talk about it....

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Reform and development in thinking about RE

One of the positive things about Mark Chater’s recent book Reforming RE (2020) is that it brings together theorists and practitioners to make their contributions about how they see the future of the subject. It...

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Teachers as persons

It was during a recent school half- term break, when my five year-old granddaughter began to cry because she was missing her class teacher, that I was reminded, once again, of the significance of the teacher as a person...
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Religions and Worldviews: The way forward?

Since the publication of the Commission on RE’s report, the title of which heads our editorial this term, there has been much discussed and written about its recommendations. This writing, a sample of which is...
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What kind of education do we want?

For RE, in recent times autumn seems to be more significant than merely the start of another academic year. September 2018 saw the publication of the final report of the Commission on RE. As I write this it is October...
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Intent, implement, impact in RE

The January 2020 issue of REtoday responds to the new Ofsted inspection framework for schools in England, which asks simple questions: what’s the intention of a school’s curriculum planning? How is it implemented?...